In order to use the Service, you must create a user account and introduce your personal information, that must be correct and complete.In fulfillment of the Lei Orgánica de Protección de Datos de Carácter Persoal (LOPD) (Spains personal data protection law) we inform you that the personal data you provide us (through the register form or any other channel), will be incorporated to a file owned by ENXENIO S.L., adequately inscribed in the Axencia de Protección de Datos (Spanish agency for data protection), with the only and exclusive purpose of managing the required services and maintaining the contractual relation if this were stablished. You can exercise at any moment your access, correction, cancelation and opposition rights recognized in the LOPD by sending a mail to guarantees that the adequate security measures have been adopted to guarantee the confidentiality of personal data, as well as it guarantees that these data will not be used for purposes different to those aforementioned above. By creating a user account and accepting these conditions, you explicitly assume the responsibility about all the activity associated to that account, both with respect to Enxenio as well as any other responsibility with respect to third parties that could be derived from the use of the Service. Moreover, you commit not to evade, deactivate, or manipulate in any way (or try to evade, deactivate, or manipulate) the security measures of the Service. Any sign of a malicious or fraudulent use of the Service will be communicated to the corresponding authorities.It is very important that you maintain your password in a sage and confidential way. In case you detect an unauthorized access to your account, should you notify us immediately.